Queer Shorts 2

No Longer Available


Waters Edge Fri, Jun 16, 2023 11:00 AM
The Art House Sun, Jun 18, 2023 1:30 PM


BI THE WAY - This funny and intimate animated story highlights Amir’s struggle to fit into binary culture. CAMPFIRE - A married dairy farmer travels to a gay campground in rural NE Pennsylvania to search for the man he fell in love with 30 years before. EMPRESS NICOLE THE GREAT - Empress Nicole the Great, a champion of LGBTQ rights, reflects on her legacy. HONEY TO THE MOON -A journey of love between two lovers connected in nature. INSTA GAY - A millennial Torontonian reels after breaking up with a popular influencer. MY DEAR MR. WHITMAN - An 1872 letter of adoration sent to American poet Walt Whitman by British writer Bram Stoker. SAFE WORD - Cesar confronts his self-loathing after his dom, Bear, reinterprets the rules of their game.